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How to organise a fabric Swap

how to organise a fabric swap

I’ve organised two fabric swaps at Craft Central in London’s Docklands and I am so pleased with how they both went. Thanks to the friendly and collaborative nature of sewists along with a bit of organisation. Yvette from Stash Hub helped me organise the swap in January 2024, we have pulled together some tips to…

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Textiles saved from landfill

London fabric destash swap

London Destash Fabric Swap Is your fabric stash getting out of hand? Maybe there are fabrics you have fallen out of love with. Or someone might have given them to you and they were not your taste. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure and that is certainly true at the London Destash Fabric Swap.…

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London Destash Fabric Swap

London fabric swap at Craft Central Docklands

Thanks for coming! Thank you for coming along to the fabric swap and making it a blast! A swap only works with lots of participants donating their fabric and haberdashery supplies, so it was great to see 200 of you come along on Saturday. Thank you for your generosity and bringing such amazing fabric and…

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How to Destash Your Fabric Collection

London destash fabric swap

December is a great time for going through your fabric stash and deciding what to keep and what to destash. It can be a busy time with social gatherings, shopping for gifts, cooking, preparing for guests…There doesn’t seem to be much time left for sewing. I find it difficult to focus this time of year,…

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